Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A wonderful week in God's playground

I still have a bruise from this...

Me and my backpack. I have a confession to make: I brought three pairs of undies for the four day hike and I only used two. Ooops.

Rock climbing up the "piece of pie"

This is where we slept each night. You could see so many stars.

Repelling down a 90+ foot rock face.

A close-up of my "adventure shoes" as Annette and her sister, Vicki, call them.

A look up the Rubicon River.


ThePuertoRicanSlant said...

Very, very, very jealous my good friend. We have got to do something like this...all guys trip!!!

Bethany said...

Have you not taught your new students Travis' Underpants Trick? Remember...

Day 1 - Wear normal underwear
Day 2 - Turn underwear around
Day 3 - Turn underwear inside out
Day 4 - Turn underwear back around
Day 5 - Wear underwear in normal position again with the relief that all of the crusties have fallen off.