Saturday, October 13, 2007

Changing deodorant brings World Peace...

OK my friends...if I read one more blog about how you're switching deodorant, I'm going to shove pencils in my eyes. According to all of you, changing the stick that you put under your stinky pits:
1. lowers the global temperature by 15 degrees...
2. provides affordable health insurance for everyone in the western United States...
3. makes cats and dogs become friends in perfect harmony...
4. brings Brittany and K-Fed back together again...

Thank you. Next year, I'm voting that you get the Nobel Peace Prize.

Speaking of deodorant, my record for days without showering is 9...what's YOUR record? Mine happened while I was in Chile last year...quite impressive...but mark my words, the record will NOT stand!


MamaSue said...

Will it lower the price of sugared cereals? Because if it will, I'm in. Otherwise, I'll stick with whatever's cheapest at Costco, so I can continue to afford the sugary cereals.

Penny Lane said...

If it lowers gas prices, stops wars and ends world hunger count me in! :]

TheEpicBeat said...

Actually, I didn't wear any deodorant for two days because I forgot. I think that if you really want to be "green" you do it like Jesus did...nothing under the arms.

Me and Matthew McConaughey are on to something here.

Anonymous said...

dude, i saw those at the store. they all smell like women's deodorant. that's the last thing the guys endorsing these need. sorry guys, when you smell like my mom, there;s something wrong. lavender melon just isn't cutting it.

Jim McGill said...

37 days no shower, Grozny, Chechnya.

so do I win?
